Statewide Museum Conference April 2-3, 2012

Pennsylvania Federation of Museums and Historical Organizations announces…

Plan to Be in Carlisle With Us For Our Conference and Awards Luncheon

Our annual statewide museum conference is on for 2012!  We will be convening at the Army Heritage and Education Center in Carlisle, PA, April 2 and 3.  It is our hope that this impressive, convenient location will entice you to join us for an opportunity to learn, share, and network with your peers.

Joining For Strength, Advocating For Good

Pennsylvania’s cultural community is rich and diverse.  Museums, galleries, zoos, science centers, visitor centers, historic sites, monuments, parks, libraries, archives, and educational institutions contribute to a new economy of ideas in the Commonwealth.  We invite you to join together with us for our 2012 conference to share best practices in advocacy, economic and community development, education, and cultural tourism.

On Monday, April 2, we will also hold our annual Special Achievement Awards lunch at our conference to recognize some of the outstanding work going on in Pennsylvania’s museums.  We will recognize Vance Packard for his service to the field in many capacities over many years, and we hope you will join us for this presentation.  Mark your calendars!  More information will be posted soon regarding both our conference and awards programs.

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