AASLH Offers FREE Webinars

The American Association for State and Local History is offering three FREE Webinars with funding generously provided by an Institute of Museum and Library Services 21st Century Museum Professionals Grant.


Telling a Good Story
November 17, 2011
Time: 2-3:15 pm Eastern
A good guided tour is a good story, told well, says guest speaker Linda Norris. Join us to explore telling stories to create more meaningful tours and to connect with visitors who arrive at your site with many different interests.

Creating Historic House Interpretive Plans that Connect
December 8, 2011
Time: 2-3:15 pm Eastern

Interpretive plans that connect with your visitors and their lives are the keystone for a positive visitor experience. Guest speaker Nancy Bryk will show participants how research is an integral part of the interpretive planning process.

Redefining Audiences
January 27, 2012
Time: 2-3:15 pm Eastern

Who are our current audiences and how can we engage new ones? Looking at the most recent U.S. Census, Susie Wilkening will discuss demographic change and the valuable ways in which history organizations can use census data.


All three webinars are FREE to AASLH members and nonmembers.

Plus, webinar topics and materials are supported by standards and recommendations from the StEPs program. StEPs is the only national standards program designed specifically for history organizations. StEPs enrollment is easy – no application, no eligibility requirements, and no deadline for completion!

Pre-registration is necessary. Visit the StEPs Webinar webpage for more information.

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