ECGRA Grant Goes to 7 Local Historical Organizations

We’re pleased to announce that the Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority has awarded funding to the Fairview Area Historical Society, Erie Center for Design & Preservation, Harborcreek Historical Society, Edinboro Area Historical Society, Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society, Corry Area Historical Society and North East Historical Society. Erie Yesterday applied for the grant on behalf of these seven groups and came away with an award totaling $12,937. For this most recent round of funding, ECGRA awarded $149,489 in grants to 23 local arts, entertainment and cultural organizations in Erie County.

How will the monies be used? The Harborcreek Historical Society (HS) maintains a historic collection relating to Harborcreek Township. They received $2,174 to purchase media equipment to further document and present the history of the Township. The Fort LeBoeuf HS owns the Eagle Hotel (1826), which houses a restaurant and exhibit rooms, and operates the Judson House Museum where archival and genealogical material of the Waterford area is stored. They received $2,769 to build an equipment shed to store lawn care/maintenance tools and supplies. Fairview Area HS members have restored the Sturgeon House (1838) for use as a museum, meeting site and depository for artifacts and historical records of the Fairview area. They received $1,061 to complete electrical work and purchase archival supplies for their new archives space. The Corry Historical Museum displays artifacts representing pioneer life as well as present-day manufacturing. A 1930s Climax steam locomotive is a highlight. They received $1,294 to complete urgent maintenance needs. The North East HS features changing local history exhibits and an archival collection documenting the history of North East. They received $3,478 to replace their roof. The Edinboro Area HS owns the Doucette House Museum, which contains genealogy resources and collections documenting Edinboro. They received $1,294 for facility and entertainment fees for the 2013 Maple Syrup Festival. The Erie Center for Design and Preservation is dedicated to community-based planning, design and historic preservation activity. They received $867 to hire a consultant who will lead the ECDP Board in developing a strategic plan.

Thank you Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority!

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