Edinboro Making Plans to Celebrate 175th Anniversary in 2015

Led by the Edinboro Area Historical Society, Edinboro has started planning for their 175th anniversary celebration in 2015. In February, State Representative Greg Lucas, PA Route 6 Alliance Executive Director Terri Dennison, members of Borough Council, the Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership, the Lakeside Association, M.J.s Runners’ Club, Edinboro Area Historical Society and interested individuals met to discuss an event schedule and promotion activities.

As a result of this initial meeting, a committee was organized to coordinate events, contact local businesses and organizations, and develop a marketing and promotions plan. If you would like to be part of the planning committee, contact Lisa Brinker-Cacchione (814.734.5675) or Terri Dennison (814.435.7706) for information on meeting dates and locations.

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