Erie Yesterday Awarded Grant from PA Route 6 Alliance

With the goal of getting residents and visitors to get outdoors either on trails or by exploring the rich history and heritage of the communities in the northern tier of Pennsylvania, the PA Route 6 Alliance is pleased to announce that the following projects have been awarded a PA Route 6 Heritage Mini-grant:

The City of Carbondale has been awarded $1500 to coordinate an effort of four PA Route 6 Heritage Communities in Lackawanna and Wayne Counties. The communities of Carbondale, Waymart, Honesdale and White Mills have developed a signage project for the Delaware and Hudson Canal and Rail Area which will provide further direction to historical sites and sites of significance in each of the respective communities.  A total of 20 signs will be purchased with funds through this grant initiative.

Erie Yesterday has been awarded $4700 to provide partial funding for the Route 6 hiStory Tours in southern Erie County. The projects will create cell phone based, walking tours for Edinboro, Union City, Albion and Waterford based on tours being developed in Corry.  Complimenting the tours will be signage, brochures, a web presence and other outreach efforts.

The City of Warren was awarded $4700 to fund the development and placement of two Gateway Welcoming Signs.  The signs will be located on Business Route 6 at the east and west entrances to Warren.

The Delaware Highlands Conservancy, Hawley was awarded $4700 to complete a trail linkage that would connect the Bingham Park and Riverside Trail in Hawley to the Riverside Trail of the Lock 31 D&H Canal Park, which runs along US Route 6.

The Wyoming County Cultural Center was awarded $4700 for a project in partnership with the Dietrich Theater and the Wyoming County Historical Society (WCHS) to revise the Historic Tunkhannock Walking Tour. The project will include the development of a new full-color booklet with a centerfold map, a promotional rack card for distribution at visitors’ centers outside the area, and training materials and training sessions for volunteer tour guides.

The McKean County Commissioners in partnership with the Allegheny National forest Visitors Bureau were awarded $4700 to create heritage walking trails and informational kiosks for Kane, a PA Route 6 Heritage Community, and for the City of Bradford.

The PA Route 6 Alliance is the managing entity of the PA Route 6 Heritage Corridor, one of Pennsylvania’s 12 Heritage Areas. Funding for the PA Route 6 Heritage Mini Grant Program is provided through the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Bureau of Recreation and Conservation (BRC).  Eligible applicants for the grant program included non-profit 501(c)3 organizations, municipalities, COG’s, Conservation Districts, and Housing and Redevelopment Authorities within the 11 counties of the PA Route 6 Heritage Corridor: Crawford, Erie, Warren, McKean, Potter, Tioga, Bradford, Wyoming, Lackawanna, Wayne and Pike Counties.

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