Night at the Museum June 20 & 21

The Lake Shore Railway Museum’s annual Night at the Museum is June 20 & 21. The Museum, at 31 Wall Street in North East, opens at noon on Saturday and will remain open until 4pm on Sunday. “What’s going on,” you ask. A lot.

Show and Tell: At 8 pm on Saturday attendees will be invited to share their own collection of photographs. Free to the public.


Antiques Road Show: At 2:30 pm on Sunday the public is invited to bring railroading antiques and collectibles to the Museum and their volunteers will help you figure out what they are.

Ongoing all weekend: Demonstrations of a working, restored telegraph system; opportunities for nighttime photography; tour the Museums cars and locomotives; “spot” the 60-80 CSX & NS trains that go by every day; and motorcar rides on the Museum’s tracks.

And lots more. Last year this event drew 500+ people for the weekend. They recommend you bring a lawn chair and blanket, and are offering coffee in the dining car all weekend.

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