NWPA Alliance for Response Meeting September 4

The Northwest Pennsylvania Alliance for Response will hold their Fall 2014 meeting at the Erie Art Museum, (411 State Street) on Thursday, September 4th from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Activities at the meeting will include:

  • A presentation on insurance issues for cultural heritage organizations.
  • A practice utilizing fire extinguishers.
  • A short business meeting to bring everyone up to date on the new Alliance for Response program to cover all groups in Pennsylvania, and its potential statewide introduction in Erie later this Fall.

For questions about the event, or to register, please e-mail Tom Clareson, LYRASIS, at tom.clareson@lyrasis.org, or call 614-439-1796.  Please register by Noon on Wednesday, September 3.  We look forward to seeing you at the NWPA Alliance for Response meeting!

The Northwest Pennsylvania Alliance for Response is one of several localized networks created to assist cultural organizations with disaster response. These networks are made up of a variety of members, from staff and volunteers at local cultural institutions, to conservators in private practice, to first responders and emergency managers. The purpose of the network is to foster cooperation among cultural organizations, influence local planning efforts, and enhance the protection of cultural and historic resources.

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