Pennsylvania Civil War 150

The American Civil War, with its museum exhibits, re-enactments, battle sites and more, represents one of the most attractive opportunities in all of historical tourism. PA Civil War 150 — the state’s official effort to commemorate the 150th anniversary of this seminal event — will focus that appeal in Pennsylvania from 2011 to 2015. PA Civil War 150 will work together with local and regional organizations across the Commonwealth to bring Pennsylvanians and visitors to the Keystone state an educational and enriching experience during the Civil War anniversary.

The following resources have been provided for use by Pennsylvania organizations to learn more about PA Civil War 150 and understand how to connect local efforts with the statewide commemoration.

Programming Resources
Looking for a Civil War program idea? Pennsylvania Civil War 150 offers this list of Civil War-related program ideas. These are not endorsed programs, unless specifically noted. Questions, contact

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