Pennsylvania’s Top 10 Endangered Artifacts

Pennsylvania’s past is important. Events that took place here have reverberated throughout the entire world. The story of Pennsylvania is preserved in the artifacts cared for in collections found in every region of the state—in our communities’ museums, libraries, archives, and historic sites. These artifacts tell us who we are, where we came from, and may even suggest new directions for our future.

Pennsylvania’s Top 10 Endangered Artifacts is a campaign that celebrates our state’s most inspiring items—drawings, paintings, manuscripts, rare books, maps, photographs, objects, textiles, and much more. The project is part of Save Pennsylvania’s Past, a multi-year initiative to protect and preserve the state’s cultural collections.

Building awareness of the threats facing Pennsylvania’s historic institutions and cultural heritage, the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts is presenting a unique opportunity to move the crucial needs of our collections into the limelight.

Pennsylvania’s Top 10 Endangered Artifacts offers a new statewide awareness and fundraising campaign that will engage institutions and the general public in a little friendly conservation competition.

This is a call to action for all who love the past and care about the future. Nominations to be accepted beginning January 2, 2013. Criteria and guidelines can be found on the PA’s Top 10 Endangered Artifacts website.

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