Save Pennsylvania’s Past Workshops

Save Pennsylvania’s Past is a statewide effort to preserve the millions of objects and historic artifacts that shape the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s history and define our nation. As part of this two-year project, the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts will present six training programs in eight regions to prepare staff to address the challenges threatening Pennsylvania’s world-class collections.

These programs are supported by an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Connecting to Collections Statewide Implementation Grant.

Three programs will be offered in Erie and 7 other PA cities between October 2011 and July 2012. Each program is $25 for Pennsylvania institutions and $75 for out-of-state institutions. REGISTER HERE.

Preservation Best Practices for Optimal Collections Care
October 6, 2011 at Blasco Memorial Library, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Archivists, collections managers, librarians, curators, and other staff members involved in collections care must manage a variety of tasks, including implementation of collections management plans and policies, management of environmental controls and storage conditions, and provision for safe use and exhibition of collections.  This program will provide participants with an overview of the preservation standards for the many aspects of collections care.

Speaker: Laura Hortz Stanton, Director of Preservation Services, CCAHA

Digitization Basics
February 22, 2012 at Blasco Memorial Library, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Every institution struggles with pressure to be visible on the web and to make its collections accessible to wider audiences, and many face daunting hurdles to implementing digitization programs.  This program will cover basic issues in digital preservation, including an introduction to digitization, and will provide information on handling guidelines for digitization, selection of materials, conducting pilot projects, creating access to digitized materials, funding sources, and the benefits of collaborating with other institutions.

Speaker: Thomas F.R. Clareson, Senior Consultant, Digital & Preservation Services, LYRASIS

Understanding Archives: An Introduction to Archival Basics
July 16, 2012 at Blasco Memorial Library, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Proper archival procedures enable safe and effective management of collections.  Participants will learn about the fundamentals of archival appraisal, acquisition, and access; proper storage materials; and the most common preservation problems associated with paper-based archival collections. This program will touch briefly on processing, arrangement, and description.  Volunteers, historians, and those with archival responsibilities in addition to other duties may find themselves in the position of “archivist” without formal training in the profession; this program offers an introduction to best practices in the field.

Speakers: Beth Bensman, Certified Archivist (CA), Dyani Feige, Preservation Specialist, CCAHA

The following programs will be offered June 2012 through May 2013:

Fundraising for Preservation & Conservation
Essential Policies & Procedures for Cultural Institutions
Protecting Cultural Collections: Disaster Prevention, Preparedness, Response & Recovery

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