Civil War Day at Hornby School Museum

Civil War Day will be held on Sunday, June 17, with Cushing and Taylor’s Battery, cannon and musket firings, first person interpretations, lots of people in Civil War costumes, and music.

The line-up of guest speakers for Civi War Day is growing. Bettye Walker will be interpreting Sojourner Truth and informing us about slavery. Thelma Lopez will impersonate her great(x5) grandmother who witnessed the Battle of Gettysburg. There will be a demonstration of Civil War era women’s fashions. Maple sugar will be made in a log and there will be lots of maple products to taste and purchase. As always, there will be cannon and musket firings and infantry drills to watch or join. More postings as they become available.

This Father’s Day, why not treat your Dad to a Civil War encampment, complete with authentic music and food.

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