Erie Maritime Museum is Looking for Museum Guides

The Erie Maritime Museum (EMM) is looking for individuals to become museum guides or “docents”. Volunteers with an interest in maritime or military history and those who have a passion for Lake Erie, we want YOU! As a volunteer docent, whether you are retired, working, a “history buff” or not, you can share your passion as a docent.

A museum docent is the first point of contact with all of our visitors. Docents greet museum guests, facilitate their visits in many ways and provide answers and information on the exhibits, as well as conduct the guided tours of U.S. Brig Niagara. Docents are also an important part of facilitating school and tourist groups who visit. No experience required, just a positive attitude and a passion for sharing knowledge. Museum docents are given reading materials and are required to attend docent training sessions throughout the year. In addition, experienced guides are available to shadow as part of the EMM Docent Program.

Erie Maritime Museum is administered by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission in partnership with The Flagship Niagara League (FNL) and is part of the Pennsylvania Trails of History® (

The FNL is a 501 (C) 3, non-profit educational associate organization of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, chartered to facilitate citizen participation and operation of the U.S. Brig Niagara and its homeport, Erie Maritime Museum. All proceeds benefit the Flagship Niagara League.

For more information or to request a museum volunteer application, contact Andrew Adamus at (814) 452-2744 ext 225 or Additional information can be found on our website at

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