War of 1812 Quilt Traveling Exhibit Comes to Erie

The Great Lakes Seaway Trail War of 1812 Traveling Quilts Exhibit is coming to Erie, PA and will be displayed at two sites in the month of June.

Erie resident Mary Ambrose championed the cause of bringing the exhibit to Erie. She is a member of the Hands All Around Erie Quilting Guild that will host the exhibit at Wayside Presbyterian Church, 1208 Asbury Road, on Monday. The 1812 exhibit will be a special feature of the Guild’s quilt show on Saturday, June 1, from 9am to 4pm, and Sunday, June 2, from noon to 4pm. There is a $4 admission fee for the show.

From June 3-29, the Great Lakes Seaway Trail War of 1812 Traveling Quilts Exhibit will be behind glass for viewing at the Erie County Public Library, 160 East Front Street, Monday-Thursday 9am-8:30pm, Friday/Saturday 9am-5pm, and Sunday 1-5pm.

Special thanks goes to VisitErie for providing funding to bring the exhibit to Erie.

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