Traveling Exhibit from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Visits Gannon University

Gannon University has brought a special traveling exhibit to campus. Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race is an exhibit created by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, which traces this history from the early 20th-century international eugenics movement to the Nazi regime’s “science of race.” It also challenges viewers to reflect on the present-day interest in genetic manipulation that promotes the possibility of human perfection. The exhibit will be open June 22, 2015 through October 25.

From 1933 to 1945, Nazi Germany carried out a campaign to “cleanse” German society of people viewed as biological threats to the nation’s “health.” Enlisting the help of physicians and medically trained geneticists, psychiatrists, and anthropologists, the Nazis developed racial health policies that started with the mass sterilization of “hereditarily diseased” persons and ended with the near annihilation of European Jewry.

Deadly Medicine will be located in the Nash Library, which is located on the East Side of Sassafras Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets. The exhibit is available to the general public free of charge. Additional information about the exhibit can be found at The exhibit will open during the operational hours of the library, which can be found at

To schedule a group tour, please contact Caroline DiPlacido at 814-871-5816 or via email at

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